Former Petroleum Product Terminal
Project Information
The Former Petroleum Product Terminal property is in Philadelphia County, in the City of Philadelphia. Alliance 51st Street LLC acquired the property from PBF Logistics Terminals LLC (PBF Logistics) in December 2021. The site primarily operated as a petroleum product terminal (from approximately 1951 to 2021). Historically, the property also was used for lumber storage (in 1923 prior to development), and as a cardboard container manufacturer (from approximately 1923 to 1945). Fifteen aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) were constructed at the property between 1951 and 1975 and contained petroleum products. The ASTs, loading racks, and associated piping were removed as part of the AST closure activities and the tank foundations, concrete and soil containment berms, and miscellaneous buildings have been removed as part of the redevelopment activities. During redevelopment activities, some of the mounded onsite soil was spread across the property as part of the grading of site.
Organic compounds and lead are present in site media, primarily associated with the former use of the property as a fuel oil terminal. Soil borings in the former AST and piping area identified exceedances of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) soil Medium Specific Concentrations (MSCs) for volatile organic compounds, semivolatile organic compounds, and lead. Groundwater samples from permanent monitoring wells have exceedances of groundwater MSCs for benzene and lead associated with the former terminal operations.
​In April 2024, the Philadelphia Water Department responded to a report of yellow-colored water leaving the site, near the Bartram’s Garden Mile Trail. Upon further investigation it was determined that the water contained chromium and hexavalent chromium. From a review of historical materials, the presence of chromium onsite is due to the historical placement of fill across a portion of the site in the early 1900s. Alliance has taken measures to eliminate any chromium from leaving the site. Further, as determined by sampling by Alliance and PADEP sampling and analysis, chromium and hexavalent chromium are present offsite in soils at locations not related to or impacted by the site, indicating historical filling beyond the limits of the site.
Public Meeting
MARCH 25, 2025
Public Meeting
Walnut Street West Library, 201 S. 40th Street
5:30 PM EST
Project Documents
Act 2 Documents and Reports
Public Involvement Plan - Alliance 51St Street 02-13-2025​
Act 2 RIR-Cleanup Plan_Alliance 51st Street_Philadelphia PA 02-14-2025​
Chromium-Related PADEP Correspondences​
Summary of Alliance 51St Street Remedial Investigation Report and Cleanup Plan - English​
Resumen del Informe de investigación de remediación y del Plan de limpieza - Espanol
Resume du Rapport D'enquete Corrective et du Plan de Nettoyage - French
Summary of Alliance 51St Street Remedial Investigation Report and Cleanup Plan - Arabic
Hard copies of project documents are available at: Walnut Street West Library
201 South 40th Street
Philadelphia, PA
Visit their website or call for the latest hours.​